Archive for Notas del Pastor

Visita al Maguey 2022

Como es costumbre, cuando voy de vacaciones a México siempre quiero visitar el lugar donde nací, y la colonia donde hoy tengo mi casa, en el Infonavit Maguey ahí en Atotonilco El Alto Jalisco.

Muchos de ustedes ya conocen de mi vida y la triste realidad, mis dos únicos hijos murieron, mis padres y abuelos también, además mi divorcio. Me quede solo y sin sentido, lo que si me di cuenta es de que tengo mucho amor en mi corazón y al quedarme solo, no sabía cómo y a quien le entregaría este sentimiento tan hermoso que se llama amor.

Fue cuando decidí fundar mi pequeña Iglesia “Cristo Vive” para que la gente que sufrió y sufre como yo, nos reuniéramos para orar, unos por otros y yo buscaría la ayuda para mi comunidad de fe, con la ayuda y bendición de Dios. Y poder pasar el amor de Dios que está en mi corazón.

Yo tenía muchos sueños y muchos planes para mis hijos, que no se realizaron y me quede con ese anhelo, cuando regrese a mi colonia en el 2007, me puse en oración en el techo de mi casa a las 3:00 am con lagrimas en los ojos, de mirar hacia atrás, mi vida ya no tenia un futuro, mire las pequeñas casas humildes en mi colonia y le pedí a Dios guiarme, me sentía inútil para seguir viviendo, me fui a dormir.

Al siguiente día salí a la calle y mire a 6 niños con su carita sucia, sin zapatos y su cabello sucio por el polvo y la tierra que hay en la colonia, jugando con una pelota en la calle y mire en sus caritas sucias, sonrisas nobles, de esas que salen del corazón, me acerque a saludarlos y a invitarles un refresco de dos litros y unos panes, me dijeron gracias señor y yo les dije, gracias a Dios, mire como se los comían rápidamente, y me fui de ahí, a lo lejos voltee la mirada, y me miraban de lejos sonriendo, esa sonrisa era desde el cielo, era Dios que me sonreía y me contesto mi pregunta.

Ese día Dios me dio la misión de amar a la gente que me rodea como a mis propios hijos y padres, amarme a mi mismo, en la gente que sufre y llora como yo, a formar puentes entre otras culturas y romper las cadenas de la opresión que hay entre los más discriminados y marginados de cualquier cultura u origen.

People of El Maguey holding up candles outside at night

En la Iglesia Católica Romana, el día 02 de febrero se celebra el día de la Candelaria, y la tradición es llevar a los niños recién nacidos o pequeños al templo para que los presenten a Dios y el sacerdote los bendiga.

Yo pensé lo contrario, hice una convocatoria a través de la Iglesia Cristo Vive, los niños de 3 a 12 años de edad fueran con una vela o veladora a las 7:00 de la noche, y las encendieran para representar la luz de Dios en la comunidad y nosotros con algunas donaciones de personas de buen corazón, que hicieron para que les comprara un regalo, por ser ellos la luz de Dios en el mundo.

Para mí los niños menores de doce años viven en la inocencia, son puros de corazón, no tienen malicia, solo sueños. Los niños en las áreas pobres de cualquier parte del mundo solo piensan en comer, jugar a los super héroes, y sueñan con ser triunfadores, en ellos yo puedo mirar el amor de Dios.

pastor Gerardo receiving a blessing from the children of El Maguey

Esa noche del viernes 04 de febrero de 2022 yo desee que los niños que convocamos me bendijeran a mí, fueron registrados 230 niños, me puse de rodillas en medio de ellos e hicimos la oración para que Dios me bendijera y yo haga un buen trabajo en mi llamado y me libre de la corrupción, que cualquier actividad que yo realice sea para la honra y gloria de Dios, ya que Dios me quiere para que le sirva a El y todo el amor y atención que tenia planeado para mis hijos y familia se lo de a la comunidad donde quiera que yo me encuentre.

Para mí es un privilegio que estos niños me bendijeran, pude sentir el amor puro y verdadero de Dios en mi corazón, y recordé a los niños de hace 15 años con su carita sucia que me miraban a lo lejos con amor y agradecimiento por un pan y un refresco.

Gracias mujeres metodistas, amigos, miembros de Cristo Vive, y voluntarios que hicieron posible este evento de amor por los que no conocen, pero existen, como existe el amor de Dios por todos ustedes.

Dios los bendiga.
Pastor Gerardo Vázquez

English translation:

Visit to El Maguey

As usual, when I go on vacation to Mexico I always want to visit the place where I was born, and the neighborhood where I have my home today, in the Infonavit El Maguey there in Atotonilco El Alto Jalisco.

Many of you already know about my life and the sad reality that my only two children, as well as my parents and grandparents died, plus my divorce. I was left alone and destitute. What I did realize is that I have a lot of love in my heart, and when I was left alone, I did not know how and to whom I would give this beautiful feeling called love.

I had many dreams and many plans for my children, which were not realized. But something happened that allowed me to keep that wish when I returned to my neighborhood in 2007. I prayed on the roof of my house at 3:00 AM with tears in my eyes. Looking back, I recall thinking that my life no longer had a future. I looked at the small humble houses in my neighborhood and asked God to guide me. I felt useless to continue living. I went to sleep.

The next day I went out to the street and saw 6 children with dirty little faces, without shoes, their hair dirty from the dust and dirt that exists in the neighborhood. They were playing with a ball in the street and on their dirty faces I saw smiles, the kind that come from the heart. I went over to greet them and invite them to a two-liter soft drink and some bread. They told me, “Thank you, sir,” and I told them, “Thank God, look how quickly you ate them,” and I left from there. From a distance I turned my eyes, and they looked at me from afar smiling; those smiles were from heaven! It was God who smiled at me and answered my question.

That day God gave me the mission to love the people around me as my own children and parents and to see myself in the people who suffer and cry like me. He gave me a desire to build bridges among other cultures and to break the chains of oppression that exist among the most discriminated and marginalized people of any culture or origin.

It was then that I decided to found my little church, “Cristo Vive”, so that people who suffered like me could gather to pray one for another, and I could seek help for my community of faith with the help and blessing of God. I would be able to pass on the love of God that is in my heart.

People of El Maguey holding up candles outside at night

In the Roman Catholic Church, the Day of Candles is celebrated on February 2nd, and the tradition is to take newborn or small children to the church so that they can be presented to God and the priest blesses them.

I thought the opposite, that is, that the children should be participants. I made an invitation through the Cristo Vive Church. The children from 3 to 12 years of age went with candles at 7:00 at night and lit them to represent the light of God in the community. Friends joined them with some donations from good-hearted people, who made it possible for me to buy the children gifts, because they are the light of God in the world.

For me, children under the age of twelve live in innocence. They are pure of heart, they have no malice, they only have dreams. Children in poor areas in any part of the world only think about eating, playing superheroes, and dreaming of being successful. In them I can see the love of God.

pastor Gerardo receiving a blessing from the children of El Maguey

That night of Friday, February 4, 2022, I wanted the children that we summoned to bless me. Two hundred thirty children were registered to attend the service. I knelt in the middle of them, and we prayed for God to bless me, for me to do a good job in my call, and for me to be free from corruption. We prayed that any activity that I carried out would be for the honor and glory of God, since God wants me to serve Him. I wanted all the love and attention that I had planned for my children and family to be given to the community wherever I am.

For me it is a privilege that these children blessed me. I could feel the pure and true love of God in my heart, and I remembered the children of 15 years before with their dirty little faces who looked at me from afar with love and gratitude for some bread and a soft drink.

Thank you Methodist women, friends, members of Cristo Vive, and volunteers who made possible this event of love. For those of you who know the children exist, but know little about them, know that God’s love exists for all of you.

Pastor Gerardo Vazquez-Padilla

The Queen of the House

On May 9th in the United States we celebrated Mother’s Day. This celebration, as we know, is on the second Sunday of the month of May. In Mexico and Latin America it is on May 10th, and it is celebrated on that day even if it is on a weekday. In Mexico the celebration begins the night before with music and flowers. The young high school students agree to bring the music with whatever equipment they can find—a speaker or the stereo of a car or truck belonging to one of the parents of a student— and the party begins.

During the next day families begin to prepare meals to celebrate the Queen of the House. If there is enough money, her children and her husband take her to a restaurant for lunch and then take a walk to enjoy the day as a family. If the mother has already passed away, flowers are brought to the cemetery to decorate the grave. Also, it’s usual for the family to get together to prepare the mother’s favorite food and eat it in her honor.

Unfortunately, last year’s celebrations were not very good. The pandemic hit the world, and the family economy was affected by the lack of work. Restaurants weren’t open, families could not meet, and cemeteries remained closed. There were no family visits, there were no flowers, and the students did not come out to bring music.

This past Mother’s Day was a little better. Restaurants began to open with security measures, flowers were available to buy, and cemeteries opened their doors to those who wanted to visit the graves of deceased mothers. There were restrictions; however, families could bring flowers, and many who were already vaccinated were able to be together again, thank God!

Personally, I feel a great admiration for my mother. She was an exemplary woman with a strong character. She never allowed herself to be overcome, no matter how strong the storms in her life were. She fought until the last moment of her life for her children. I remember that even though she had lost her sight, before going to sleep she would tell me to turn off the light. One time I didn’t turn it off to see what she would do. I could see her raise a fragile hand, tired from the dialysis treatment in the hospital and from having half her body paralyzed by a variety of strokes. She still raised her hand to bless her children—who live in this country and in Mexico—without us seeing her. That’s why she asked me to turn off the light. It was a moment for her to be with God. Her request was for privacy, since I slept in her room in order to take care of her.

You have probably noticed that I often mention my mother’s sayings in my pastoral letters and at some point in my sermons. I do it because my mother has not died for me. She still lives in my heart. One day we will meet in heaven, and I will hug her again.

You may or may not know that, although I am a man, I am actually a feminist. I strongly defend the rights of women and have great respect for them. We are all children of women. Also, our Lord Jesus Christ wanted to be born of a woman. He cared for His own mother, the Virgin Mary. When He was ready to return to His father, He did not want to leave her helpless. He entrusted her to John, His apostle whom He loved so much, to take care of her.

In Cristo Vive (my church in Mexico) and in San José First Church, the Hispanic congregation is made up of 90 percent women. These are mothers of families, who come to these places with their children to pray and praise God, like I did with my mother.

My final reflection is that we should celebrate our mothers and all women in general. They are the most beautiful thing that God has created, and we must respect, empower and love them. May God bless the woman, the Queen of the House.

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez

Open Pantry

In 2014, under the leadership of Rev. Shinya Goto, the Church started a new program to have more connections with the neighborhood and to make ourselves known. An opportunity arose when the Catholic Cathedral of San José found it necessary to close their food program. They proposed to Rev. Goto to take it over in order to continue to serve the downtown area in this way. Since I spoke Spanish, he contacted me and asked if we could do this. He said the beneficiaries would be Hispanics/Latinos who live around the church. My answer was yes, if donations would be available from various organizations. It turned out that donations came from the Roman Catholic Church, Santa Julia, Casa de Clara (a Catholic shelter), and from the Cristo Rey Roman Catholic School. In addition, Panera donated bread, and Wesley UMC Church made some monetary donations. Due to the large demand the program began to grow for our unsuspecting neighbors who were requesting help. With some difficulties we began to maintain our program called “Open Pantry”.

Reverend Shinya and I went to the Second Harvest Food Bank for help. They denied us more than once, because at that time they wanted us to send people to their nearest distribution centers. I told them that people would not attend because of their fears of sharing personal information. Also, they did not want to present themselves as a burden, because they believed it would negatively affect them further in the process of regulating their immigration status. They had felt more assurance when help was offered by the church.

Ray Castellon had been seeking help for sources to obtain groceries and decided to take the position of director of the program. He collected staples and produce, while other members of the church collected the bread from Panera. Casa de Clara volunteers shared food products. As the number of recipients grew, it became difficult to supply everyone with what was needed. Many times we had to split cabbages in half to serve more people.

open pantry volunteers

At the beginning of the pandemic our work became even more difficult, since we could not continue meeting to bag the products. We had to stop for awhile, so we disconnected from our mission companions; however, we continued by purchasing and distributing gift cards from supermarkets, so that people could go to buy what they needed most. Then, since the situation was not easy for Latinos, little by little we began to deliver basic products such as rice, beans, and eggs. Since concern for our Latino/Hispanic members was urgent, Reverend Jeffrey Hall and his wife Jennifer came up with the idea to go out and do personal shopping at the markets for those who could not do it.

Finally Ray Castellon came up with a solution for the dilemma. He returned to the Second Harvest Food Bank to ask for help again. I did not think their help was possible, since we had already tried, as I indicated at the beginning of this message. However, after meeting all their requirements, information and paperwork, the answer was yes, due to the crisis faced by the community in this pandemic.

The products would come already packed in a box and by category. Each family would receive a box of fresh produce, one of dairy products, another of basic products such as rice, beans and oil, plus a bag with chicken, fish, or meat. We helped the food bank to access those in the community— Latino/Hispanic members and non-members of the church—who requested help.

The Church had started a ministry of the Latino/Hispanic neighborhood. Now the ministry is directed by those who at first benefited from it. The result is incredible growth of the Church due to friendship with the community. Many volunteers have left, since we started. I will not mention their names, so that I do not miss one and cause offense by omitting someone. April 21st was Ray Castellon’s last day with us.

Ray is looking for another church to help in other neighborhoods in the city as a volunteer and do what he likes—helping others and the homeless. Ray’s passage is a good example of discipleship and leadership: teaching others to do good and then putting them in charge before going out to another neighborhood or city and doing the same.

Thank you, brother Ray, for your leadership and support to the community. May God always bless you and give you many more years of life so that you continue to do good. Also, members of Cristo Vive in the colony of El Maguey in Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico wish you the best for your mission visits to El Maguey, where they will be waiting for you to greet you again.

The Hispanic/Latino congregation of San Jose First UMC and Cristo Vive A.C. wish you the best in your new journey, brother Ray Castellon.

open pantry coordinator

Taking the leadership as coordinator of the Open Pantry program is the young Marcos Garza. Marcos is 24 years old, of Mexican-Guatemalan origin, fully bilingual in Spanish and English, and an electricity student at San Jose City College. With a good heart to continue this work, Marcos and an energetic group of Latino volunteers who are church members are taking the 7-year-old program very responsibly. It’s a lot of work to provide groceries for 100 families twice a month!

Welcome Marcos Garza to the team of The First United Methodist Church of San José, California!

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez

Conscience and Responsibility

On March 26th I received my second dose of Pfizer to protect me and others from the coronavirus. I, like many Latinos, was not sure about getting vaccinated, although I knew it was very necessary.

Usually I do not like to take medicine, because I believe that my body creates its own immunity. My grandmother’s advice was that it was not good to take many medicines, because, even though they helped some conditions, they could also affect the body in bad ways. She also said that natural medicine is better, since it comes from certain plants which have natural chemicals that can help us. There are an infinite number of home treatments, herbal remedies that help a lot. These remedies have been used successfully by ancient Latin American natives to present day populations.

Today’s conditions are not like those in my grandmother’s time. There is already a lot of air and water pollution. Diseases like the coronavirus are becoming more resistant to medicines, and natural medicines are not enough.

This story of my grandmother is very similar to those of many Latinos, where the grandmother is highly respected. In many Mexican households’ families believe that the matriarchy is very strong. Once women reach the age of adulthood, they are highly respected, and they are obeyed. There is no stronger authority than a grandmother who has already gone through many difficulties and has developed a strong and respected character. Grandmothers can be sweet or very nagging, but respect for them is strong. Married grown children, whether women or men, teach their children to obey their grandmother.

For those who interact with these matriarchal communities, it’s important to realize why they don’t intend to get vaccinated. Because of their culture, they believe that a natural medicine will help them. In addition, there is the sad reality that Hispanic families do not have money to go to doctors and to pay for medicine. So, they must rely on home remedies.

Since receiving my second dose of the vaccine, I have been posting my experiences on social networks and praying that people will take one more step and lose their fear. As I’ve mentioned before, religious leaders, along with grandmothers, are also respected by the community, and they follow their recommendations. I have taken the liberty of promoting the vaccine and reminding my parishioners that home remedies are not enough. In each Facebook broadcast I am reminding listeners that I have already been vaccinated, and nothing bad happened to me. As a result of the inoculation, I am prepared to resist the coronavirus. I also tell them that if we get vaccinated and then contract the disease, it will not kill us so easily. Also, getting vaccinated is just one more way that we can take care of our grandparents and older adults. This is a good example of showing our love for them.

Mi Vacuna del Covid-19

Apparently my message is working in San Jose, because every day that goes by someone in the Latino congregation tells me that s/he has already been vaccinated. I celebrate the decision and ask them to encourage their family, friends, and neighbors to do the same. Thank God my councils are working here! The Latino congregation members are getting vaccinated and so are my brothers and their families here in California. That makes me very happy.

In Atotonilco and its surroundings there are no tests to detect the coronavirus. Where they are available, people have to pay for them. Also, there are no vaccines available. It is a tremendous crisis as people die from lack of information, tests and vaccines. People have not only lost work but family members as well. Also, many Latinos do not make the decision to quarantine, since they need to work to survive. Grandma’s remedies are not enough to avoid contracting the disease. Unfortunately, I have already lost three family members to Covid—a nephew and two cousins in Mexico—and also many acquaintances.

I am also concerned about the congregation of Cristo Vive in El Maguey and for my older brothers and their families in other parts of Mexico. My concern also extends to all people who live in Latin America, since they do not have the same opportunity as those of us who live in the United States.

I remember that my mother used to tell me that God said, “help yourself and I will help you”. We are not supposed to leave everything to God. To Latinos and to the entire English-speaking congregation I recommend that they get vaccinated since they have the opportunity. Protecting ourselves from this disease allows us to be well and to take care of those we love the most—our children, grandparents, and relatives. In this country we are blessed to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccine. This is a good time to reflect and become aware of what is happening. Because of the vaccine, fewer people are dying. We have the opportunity; we have to take the responsibility to take the vaccine.

I invite you to post your experience when you get vaccinated, so that more people will follow your example of listening to your conscience and taking responsibility.

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez

Times of Reflection and Meditation

We are going through very difficult times worldwide. It’s not only in the United States and in Mexico that we are suffering in this pandemic, living separated from our family, friends and loved ones. I think the whole world is enslaved by the pandemic.

Human and economic losses, bankrupties of small and large companies, and compulsory social isolation puts many people in a tremendous emotional crisis. Anxiety is leading many couples to divorce, since they are forced to be together for too much of their time. In the worst case scenarios both adults and children are affected if they share a home with other families. And problems multiply when people are thrown out of their houses for not being able to pay the rent.

Hope in Uncertain Times quote by Oprah Winfrey

Unfortunately, I have personally seen these situations when receiving calls from people in the middle of a crisis. Thankfully, I have been able to contact several social organizations to help me find support for these Hispanic/Latino families in San Jose. Organizations such as Sagrado Corazón (Sacred Heart), Friends of Guadalupe, Santa Clara County, and different family shelters have been able to supply the help needed to keep people from living on the street. Food for families has been supplied by the Segunda Cosecha (Second Harvest) food bank.

Those who are suffering in El Maguey are receiving help from SJ First Church and the Methodist women and also the leaders of Cristo Vive, all great warriors with noble hearts, who have been supporting the community. I have been able to see—in the middle of my time of prayer and meditation—the hand of God protecting His people. Of course, several people who I know from Atotonilco and El Maguey, as well as some relatives of our congregation members, have died. But prayer and faith keep us standing .

We have been going through Holy Week which, for me, is very special. One of my favorite days is Palm Sunday, when Jesus humbly made his triumphal entry mounted on a donkey. He was accompanied by the multitude of devoted people, who spread their cloaks on the road where Jesus Christ would be passing. More people joined this beautiful procession, waving branches of trees and full of hope that Jesus would save them. They shouted, “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord”.

Another special day is Maundy Thursday, where Jesus invited His beloved disciples to the last supper that he would have with them. This event instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion. He not only invited those who wanted to follow Him, but also the one who would eventually betray Him. He humbly washed everyone’s feet, teaching them service and the way they could serve the world. Jesus did it with humility, being faithful and obedient to God.

On Good Friday Jesus fulfilled his mission and the will of the Father. He died on the cross for the sins of the world, giving His life for us. He was charged with the sins of humanity, those of the past, present and future, so that we do not lose ourselves but instead have eternal life with Him. God gave us the spirit of life with his breath in creation. Jesus Christ gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit, so that we are not alone. He cares for us and protects us.

Through Jesus Christ we will return to the Father. He gave us the breath of life, and to Him we will return, thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ. This resurrection Sunday we celebrate His coronation in heaven. He sits at the right side of the Father as heir of all that we see and also of all that which is invisible to us. He will be waiting for us, since, by believing in Him, we are saved.

Sisters, brothers and friends, for more than a year of pandemic caused by the coronavirus we have been living our life on our own cross. I imagine it as a very dark night; just like during the crucifixion of Our Lord, the world got dark at three o’clock in the afternoon. But we believe that we will soon come out of this crisis. The vaccination process is advancing, and little by little the economy is opening up. We are coming out of this gray cloud that is over our world.

My mother used to say that when the night is darkest it will soon be dawn. Let’s not lose hope. Let us meditate and reflect on everything that Our Lord Jesus Christ had to go through and came out triumphant. We will also come out victorious; we just have to believe, have faith, and put our burdens in the hands of God.

Happy Easter!
Pastor Gerardo Vázquez.

Times of Change

I remember a saying that my mother used to repeat: nothing is forever, everything has its time

My memory makes me look to the past, reviewing my call and the part of my life on August 17, 2007 when Cristo Vive began. I felt the call to unite my community in El Maguey, to eat together, to read the Bible, and to be one in Christ. My house was a very humble dwelling, made of dirt. The garage of my house was not covered, so we were out in the open. I was equal to, maybe even poorer than, my debt-ridden and hopeless neighbors. But I wanted with all my heart to do something for others, since I had been left alone, as you may know, and did not want to live without a purpose. My motive was and is to help my neighbors, wherever I am. Most importantly, I wanted God to walk with me to make things right.

In January 2010, my neighbors from the El Maguey and Atotonilco neighborhoods got together and officially registered the Iglesia de Cristo Vive with the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Mexico. Sometime later agents of the Social Services of the State of Jalisco came to approve the facilities of Cristo Vive and to ascertain that this church and its leaders were ready for this great project. Our aim was to help the poorest; however, the irony was that we didn’t see that we were very poor, too.

When the social workers arrived, they could not find the location of Cristo Vive, and they were going around in circles. The small group of people waiting for them—mostly women and children—were nervous, because we needed the registration. Without it the local church could interfere so that Cristo Vive could not be independent and Protestant.

I heard about a truck that was driving around the village, so I went out to see who it was. Here they were . . . these frustrated social workers who could not find us and were now in front of us. I told them, “Here it is! I am the president of Cristo Vive.” Astonished and with great respect they greeted us. I imagine it was a surprise for them. They visit other organizations, which are usually located in huge buildings and are run by entrepreneurs. What they had in front of them was a group of poor people in a humble house wanting to help the poor.

They entered the house and we shared with them water and fruit, which was all that we had to offer. They received it with much respect and gratitude. I apologized and told them to forgive me, because the house was very poor and had a dirt floor. But we wanted to help people, and we wanted the name of Cristo Vive for our organization. They told us not be ashamed. They said this type of project bears better fruit than others, because you have the intention and the courage to undertake something new. They also pointed out that later they would return, and by that time Cristo Vive would have its own building. They couldn’t say when, but only that it would happen, because they believed in us. They made their report and left.

A month later a small group of people from Cristo Vive joined me on a trip to the office of Social Services in Guadalajara, the state capital. The purpose of our visit was to get documentation which would provide recognition of Cristo Vive as a non-profit organization serving the community.

Since that visit, Cristo Vive has changed a lot with God’s blessing. It is located at the intersection of two streets. One is Columba Domínguez Street which extends to the main entrance of El Maguey. The local government has paved it, since it was in very bad condition. The school is across Ester Fernández Street, opposite the library side of our building. We’ve been holding our festivities and anniversaries on Ester Fernández Street for several years. But over the last 8 months we’ve had the generous support of San Jose First Church and the Methodist Women’s Group. We use that street, since it is spacious, but in the live broadcasts on Facebook it looked very neglected. With the help of God, I think that the local government felt sorry for how the street appeared as we carried out our activities. In the last three weeks they have been cleaning it and installing new hydraulic concrete there. Our neighbors and members of Cristo Vive are the most benefited, since when it is finished, it will be in better condition for our services and celebrations. The elderly will be safer, since chairs will be set on a firmer place. In truth, that street is our patio or esplanade for Cristo Vive.

There is no doubt that God chooses where He wants members of the community and neighbors to meet: at the corner of Calle Columba Domínguez and Ester Fernández in La Colonia El Maguey (and including neighbors from Atotonilco El Alto), as well as on North 5th and Santa Clara Streets in San José, California.

God’s timing is perfect. It only takes time, faith, and love for the neighbors to have a place to meet to worship Him. The social workers did not doubt that Cristo Vive is the right place for the neighborhood to meet and live in harmony. It works because of the hand of God and every one of those who participate with their financial support and volunteer work.

Changes are often sad and hard, but many times they are necessary. Nothing is forever, and everything changes. You just have to trust God’s timing and believe and live to achieve a dream of helping those who need it most.

God bless you.
Pastor Gerardo Vázquez-Padilla

A History of Immigrants in the United States

The North! When I was a child in my bed at night in the dark, I listened to my parents talk about The North (the United States). They talked about life here in the United States where many people emigrate to have a better life. They travel north to work, and they save money to return to their villages, buy a house, start a business, get married, and everyone is happy. In the morning when my mother awoke, I told her that when I grew up I would go to The North and buy a big house for everyone. She would get excited, but then fearfully she would tell me that in The North people get eaten, and that they no longer return to their villages. They get lost, as she lost her father when she was seven years old.

In Mexico when a person leaves his town for the border by bus, he begins to feel discrimination in his own country, since there are many Mexican emigration checkpoints with federal and customs agents. Adding to this discomfort is the danger caused by organized crime people who roam throughout the country extorting and assaulting men and women who travel. They go around looking for Central American centers or other places where immigrants cross the border looking for the American dream but end up being assaulted and abused. Victims are from many countries, including Mexico. I know this, since I was one of the many who experienced the expertise of those robbers and extortionists.

When immigrants finally arrive in this great country, they are dazzled by the wealth that is evident. Even bathrooms are beautiful, and one cannot escape the joy of knowing that there is immediate hot water for bathing just by opening the shower faucet. There are wide streets and so many parks and recreation areas. The first illusion is that one can find a job and earn money to pay for food and to send back to the family to pay debts caused by borrowing money to travel. Existing in poverty is the norm for many who live that way in their countries due to lack of opportunities.

Many times people arrive and cannot find a job. They do not speak English and only know how to work hard so that no one can say that they are lazy. Many immigrants are ashamed and proud and want to earn a living and pay their own way. Also there is a common belief that if someone is ever cared for by the government, he will not be able to become legalized. Or, if he entered the country without documents, employers may exploit him by paying very little for his labor and treating him like a slave who lives day by day and is poorly fed.

Many people do not know that immigrants pay federal and state taxes; yet, ironically, they will never benefit from a retirement pension, since they do not exist for the government. The IRS gives them a personal identification number (ITN) so that they pay taxes, and immigrants pay them to avoid getting into trouble. Many do not ask for any help from the government, since they live in anonymity.

So, the American dream is starting to get very difficult to achieve, since immigrants have to live in hiding from the police, gangs, and immigration agents (la migra). In addition, some of them suffer from racism, because some people think that they abuse the system. They are considered as criminals, because that is what is heard from some politicians in the media.

The search for the American dream stops. Many immigrants cannot return to their villages, because the years of looking for the dream have already passed. That reality does not arrive due to the low wages they earn. Individuals marry or get together with someone like them so as not to feel alone and to support each other. Children are born and raised here, and some yearn to return to their countries of origin.

Among groups of Latinos there is a lot of resentment due to profiling. Many Central Americans who crossed Mexico by road suffered from the abuses I mentioned earlier, and they think that all Mexicans are the same. They do not befriend Mexicans unless they know them well. There are some couples where the man is Mexican and the woman is Guatemalan or vice versa or from other countries where their children have 3 nationalities: Mexican, Salvadoran and American. If the father or mother of the family is detained by immigration authorities, one wonders where these children will be going. They also live in fear; they do not know how to explain that they don’t speak English, and they cannot say that their parents have no documents.

Many live in houses or apartments where there are more than two families living together in order to be able to pay the large rents. The parents live without health insurance for a variety of reasons: they cannot pay for it; they do not qualify due to their immigration status; or because, fearing discovery, they do not get registered.

In the countries of origin parents of these immigrants grow old and often die and do not have the opportunity to see their children who traveled North for a better life, one they could not achieve. Likewise, immigrants grow old, and their American citizen children grow up and do not want to return with their parents to their countries. They no longer know Mexican culture, they do not speak Spanish well, and there is no work for them. On top of this, they are stuck in a country where opportunities are limited by their lack of documentation, and they can no longer leave. I remember my mother saying the North eats people.

So, where can immigrants feel protected, not judged, condemned, or attacked?

Answer: in the churches since they are the houses of God. Well yes, but there are some churches where they cannot live their faith or participate in the traditions of the church. Many women are single mothers or live in a free union because they have not been able to marry. This is because they may live with someone who cannot marry because one of them is divorced. Or they are from the LGBTQ community. None of these groups can receive communion or the sacrament, because their theology says they live in sin.

Communion chalices and wafers and bible in rainbow colors

Being able to receive communion gives the recipient the confidence of being close to those who do not reject him or her, including Our Lord Jesus Christ. I like to visit churches to see the participation of the people. After looking into some Protestant and Catholic churches, I’ve found that some priests and pastors deny the sacraments to these people. What broke my heart one day was that during communion in a Catholic church in this area I saw women with the desire to receive communion lined up towards the priest. Before they reached him, knowing they could not take communion, they crossed their arms to at least signal to the priest that they wanted to receive his blessing. For me, looking at that is humiliation where the whole church can see that they do not take communion, because they are not worthy to do so.

The life of immigrants in the United States is not easy, and many times the American dream becomes unattainable.

My reflection on this story is that we are all immigrants in some way, since we, our grandparents, and/or our ancestors traveled to this great country looking for a better life. Jesus Christ invites us to open the door to our churches since He and many of the great characters of the Bible also were immigrants.

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez-Padilla

God’s Mission in El Maguey

The love for my call to the service of God is the best thing that could happen to me. For me, it is a privilege to serve God, since his blessings are immense.

During this pandemic, many very sad experiences have emerged with loss of work, education, family reunions, life of a family member, and the social contact that we need to live as humans. Fortunately, technology has helped us to be in touch with our loved ones and with the world.

With the grace of God, I decided to preach on Facebook to the Hispanic/Latino congregation of San José First UMC. The people of Atotonilco El Alto, Jalisco, were added to our broadcasts and were able to learn more about our church and Methodism. The addition of this group brings more love and solidarity with our neighbors, even if they are far from us and we don’t know them in person.

Pastor Gerardo leading worship service

With the love and kindness that characterizes our heavenly Father, He did the miracle of touching the group of Methodist women and members of our Church to express solidarity with the Cristo Vive church. In fact, the entire El Maguey community has been generously supported by them with grocery bags for the last 6 months.

I felt the need to go to El Maguey, not only to bring food to the tables of the families there, but I also decided to take my vacation time with them. In the midst of a pandemic I knew that it was not the safest thing to do, but I felt the security of God’s will. There were many people waiting for me to arrive, so that I could pray for them and reaffirm their faith on the second Sunday of January. Among those waiting was Luis Ramírez, one of the young people from El Maguey and a member of Cristo Vive. His mother, María Isabel, and his brothers have been attending Cristo Vive for more than 10 years. Luis was going through the terrible disease of leukemia, and every transmission day he connected and asked me to praise God and to ask for him to be well.

On December 10th he and his mother sent me a photo of the results of his medical exams. He was free of leukemia! It was a tremendous joy for them and for me to see that miracle. There was only one step left: Luis took his final week of daily chemotherapy in the mornings and afternoons to ensure that the cancer would not return.

He finished the routine, but after taking it he started to feel bad again. He knew that I would arrive on December 28th and he was waiting for me to pray for him again. On Saturday, December 26th, he gladly wrote to me that he was waiting for me with open arms. Luis’s condition began to get serious, so they took him to the hospital in Guadalajara. There they found that the last week of chemotherapy had resulted in the burning of his lungs, kidneys and the platelets that produce blood. Everything happened very fast. They tubed him so he could breathe. When I arrived at the Guadalajara airport, I decided to go to the hospital to see him; however, when I was renting a car I got the news from María Isabel that Luis had died.

I went to Atotonilco and spoke with María Isabel by phone, to get informed of the time she would arrive with her son’s body, so I could grieve with the family. They arrived at the funeral home at midnight with the body of 18-year-old Luis. I went there to see him and offer the praises to God, that—night after night on Facebook—he had asked me for. I could see in his face that he was peaceful, knowing that I was able to pray for him before he went to his grave.

It was devastating for his parents and for me. I am a man who speaks of faith and miracles, yet Luis died. We embraced each other and became stronger in dealing with the great loss. Both María Isabel and her husband, Javier Ramírez, in the midst of their pain, treated me with respect and love, since I shared the pain with them, with the family, and with all of Luis’s young friends. For me it was an experience that I still cannot explain. I watched hundreds of people, young and old, crying and suffering for the loss of Luis, while at the same time letting myself be led by me as a pastor and friend, singing praises and praying for the family. To me, a possible explanation is that God sent me to be with them to provide love and pastoral care.

Three Kings Day (Epiphany) January 6th

Holy Magi caravan with children gathered round

This was a special day which, for the first time in the community of El Maguey—and I dare say in the entire region—a caravan with the Holy Magi made its appearance. The Magi were represented in costumes by Juan Carlos Anaya, Eduardo Anaya, and Pedro Vázquez. To make this possible, these three and a huge group of volunteers toured the El Maguey neighborhood, (sections Pascual Rojas, and Madre Luisita) where the girls and boys went out to see this festive sight. They received sweets and soccer balls that filled the community members, both young and old, with joy. Christmas carols enlivened the night with smiles and hope, alleviating the stress that people carried during this pandemic. Also, with First Church’s donations, the blessings of God, and the leaders of Cristo Vive, we were able to distribute grocery bags to 200 families in El Maguey.

On January 10th, the day of the baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we began our healing and faith renewal service, scheduled according to the safety protocols in El Maguey with masks and antibacterial gel. On this very important day for Methodism and Christianity, children, youth, adults and the elderly—and without fail María Isabel Aguirre, mother of our angel in heaven, Luis Ramírez, and his family—appeared at this important service directed by Pastors Juan Carlos Anaya and Gerardo Vázquez. The pastors, their servants and the leaders of Cristo Vive all contributed to a service full of faith and love for our neighbors, and praying for the members of San José First, since we are one in God.

I want to express my gratitude in the name of God for all those who made this possible, since it is the call of God to love and respect each other, to cry, to laugh, and to celebrate in union, since that is how we grow stronger.

May the blessing of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit descend upon us. Amen.

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez-Padilla

Origin of Las Posadas

In Mexico the tradition of Las Posadas begins on December 16th and is carried out in a series of festivities that have been held in Mexico since colonial times. The origin of this tradition is of a religious nature, in which Joseph’s and Mary’s pilgrimage to Bethlehem is represented; however, since the end of the 18th century festivities have been part of popular culture, organized by families in their houses.

Before the arrival of the Spanish, the Aztecs celebrated the arrival of Huitzilopochtli, who was the god of war. These solemn festivals took place during the month of panquetzaliztli, equivalent to the month of December, and lasted 20 days beginning on the sixth day of the month. Festivities included honoring their god by putting flags on the fruit trees and banners in the main temple. This tradition was known by the name of “raising of flags”. The people congregated in the courtyards of the temples and waited for the arrival of the winter solstice. On the night of the 24th and during the course of the 25th there were celebrations in all the houses. Food was offered to the guests, and they also were given some small pasta statues called “tzoatl”.

The anthropologist Fernando Híjar tells us that the tradition of Las Posadas commenced with the arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico. The religious leaders in charge of the evangelization of the people replaced the cult of the god of war with the European practice of preparation for Christmas, focusing on Christianity. At first these festivities were called “Christmas Bonus Masses”, and since then they have been held from December 16th to the 24th in the atriums of churches and convents.

The celebration consists of proclaiming the mass together with Biblical passages and representations alluding to Christmas. Additionally, small gifts are given to the attendees, known as aguinaldos, or bonuses. The people congregate in the courtyards of the temples and wait for the arrival of the winter solstice. On the night of the 24th and during the course of the next day there are festivities in all the houses, in which food and some small gifts are offered to the guests.

Throughout time, the same people were adding more attractive elements to these celebrations such as candles, sparklers and piñatas. Ultimately they adopted these parties into their neighborhoods and houses. This transition from the temple to the streets was allowed by the church in order for these festivities to have a greater diffusion among the inhabitants. So the tradition has been transformed according to the culture of each zone or region of Mexico.

La Posada people in costume

Once the guests to this celebration have gathered, they prepare to represent the request for accommodation made by Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary on their pilgrimage from the city of Nazareth to Bethlehem. To symbolize this event, the guests make two groups. One group must leave the house accompanied by figures representing the pilgrims, Joseph and Mary, who ask for lodging at the door singing the following litany:


The people who stay inside must deny entrance at first, forcing the pilgrims to continue asking for an inn three more times. They play the part of the innkeepers and say,


To culminate this part of the tradition, pilgrims are granted asylum with the following litany:


It is important to mention that during the pilgrimage, all the members carry candles and a booklet with the litanies. Participants can read the litanies in one voice.

Once entrance to the inn is granted, the coexistence among the participants begins. It reaches its maximum splendor at the moment of breaking a piñata, which must be full of fruit, sweets, and snacks. The role of the piñata in Las Posadas symbolizes the triumph of faith over sin. It must have seven points on it that represent the seven deadly sins. Sweets and fruits symbolize the grace of God. The blindfold is faith. God is represented by the stick, and the people around it symbolize the church members who will show the way to overcome sin.

In these days of a pandemic, access to all the inns in many places such as our Church is suspended, closed for the safety of all. In a season without a pandemic, for many Hispanic and Latino children these are very special days, full of happiness and joy for all. During these days’ children receive many sweets and warm foods such as tamales and corn atole or hot chocolate at night. During the cold and dark of winter, with its candles or sparklers, people are happy, listening to beautiful Christmas carols while waiting for Christmas.

At San José First Church, in December 2016 we started this beautiful tradition so that the Latinos of downtown San José could remember their traditions and teach their children about Christianity. In their hearts they can revisit the stories about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the way Latinos live it in their countries. These days are special for them and their children. The traditions are the same for many countries, cities, towns and villages in Latin America.

I have been thinking a lot about the children of the El Maguey neighborhood and how very sad Christmas time is going to be for them. It’s not that I feel like I can be a super hero and fix everything, nor am I a saint. I’m just a rural shepherd who wants all people to be happy—especially the children, since I was also a child. El Maguey does not have many traditions since it is a 17-year-old colony founded by the Mexican government. They decided to make small houses for some of the people of Atotonilco El Alto, a nearby 480-year-old city that became overcrowded.  They looked for the poorest people from different low-income neighborhoods and populated this colony with all these people. They are often discriminated against, since everyone knows that people were relocated there as a mode of segregation.

My house is located in this colony and serves as the headquarters of my church, Cristo Vive, which provides light and hope for the people who live there.

In consideration of the fact that I still have vacation time from church, and after much praying and asking God for direction, I have made the decision to go to Mexico. Besides taking care of some personal matters there, I can be in El Maguey in time to celebrate the first two services of the year, and broadcast them on Facebook. In this way Latino members of our downtown church can also have their time of worship on those days.

In the last 6 months, the Methodist Women’s organization and the members of First Church have made donations to buy grocery bags for the neediest people during this pandemic. This provides a way for children to have a plate with food at home. During my visit I will be helping the leaders of Cristo Vive to distribute the food. I am looking forward to greeting people with a gesture of respect and love from San José First and to pray for them and for the neighborhood.

I will also be able to carry out the celebration of the Epiphany or the Day of the Magi on January 6, 2021. My plan is to arrange to have three trucks with three men characterized as the Three Kings and to tour the entire colony, visiting all the streets. We will play Christmas carols and deliver sweets and toys to the children we meet on the street. Using this method will ensure that children do not accumulate in one place and will provide them with a surprise, making this a day that is happy and special.

I am very aware that we are in a pandemic, which is dangerous for them and for me. So I will be taking all the necessary measures to keep a healthy distance and follow security protocols. My faith is placed in God, so that I know I can stay well and return healthy and full of joy and have satisfaction in my heart for doing what God asks me to do. He wants me to love every human being with respect and solidarity. From my hometown I will be praying for you and your families so that next year is better for everyone.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021, sisters and brothers in Christ!

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez-Padilla

Christmas Message from Pastor Gerardo

Winter is closer to us every day. The darker days affect people in various ways, some suffering from depression. I do not like short days, because it makes me feel that I have less time. But on the other hand, I like the cooler weather.

This year has been very difficult for many, and we already want it to end. This pandemic is affecting the world with death and worries. Many people are losing a family member or friend or we realize that a neighbor or a relative has contracted the virus. Also, the fight to contain the spread of the disease is greatly affecting economic affairs of many families and businesses. Both large corporations and small businesses have experienced layoffs of employees or closures of their companies. Many are bankrupt because of these closures. Many part-time and full-time employees have stopped working for months, and others have already lost their jobs. Rents, bills and debts do not wait, and many people are forced to get more loans to maintain their businesses. All of our lives are affected by the limitations imposed on hotels, restaurants, beauty salons, barber shops, gyms, shops, and even grocery stores. This is not just in America, it is worldwide.

Apparently 2020 has also been a very bad year for the planet. Fires have devastated at least 5 western states in our country and flooding has caused damage in the central states. Southern Mexico and Central America have suffered with the floods caused by Hurricane Lota. Results of these catastrophes have cost billions of dollars and further overwhelmed hospitals. Populations of many countries across the globe are divided by political and social differences.

Certainly it is a very dark and difficult year. One of my brothers posted a question on Facebook asking why do we celebrate Christmas if we are not together. That made me sad, and surely others think the same. My mother used to say that it is always darkest before the dawn, and that there is no evil that lasts forever; however, nobody can resist it.

christmas lights in the shape of a christmas tree

I have noticed that many people are already putting up their Christmas lights and decorations. I’m glad to see this, since we must not lose faith and hope that we will soon come out of this crisis. We have to start thinking about what we have done wrong. What does our planet want to tell us regarding the circumstances that we are going through? Also, we need to value our family more, since life is very short. We need to rethink our values, since living with vanity is useless; youth and money are fleeting. We must focus more on God, love Him above all things, and allow His will to enable us to love one another as He loves us.

This Christmas Eve we must prepare ourselves with prayer and meditation to do things better for ourselves while still thinking about others. We can ask God that on Christmas Eve, the Baby Jesus will be born in our hearts and transform us from within. We want to become more like Him, full of light, humility and compassion for others. But above all we pray that we never lose the hope, peace, joy, and love that God offers us.

Pastor Gerardo Vázquez